Explore advertising with us: Showcase your business or event in our professionally-produced show programs, reaching an audience of over 6,000 people annually across all our shows.
Ads in 2 Summer Playbills and 1 Fall Playbill.
Full-Page Ad: $700
Half-Page Ad : $375
Quarter-Page Ad: $200
Ads in 2 Summer Playbills.
Full-Page Ad: $400
Half-Page Ad : $250
Quarter-Page Ad: $175
Ad in our Fall Playbill
Full-Page Ad: $400
Half-Page Ad : $200
Quarter-Page Ad: $100
Your logo will be featured on 500+ shirts worn across 32 zip codes, offering repeated exposure to thousands in the Miami Valley.
Price: $300
Full Page Ad: 4.5" x 7.5"
Half Page Ad: 4.5" x 3.6"
Quarter Page Ad: 4.5" x 1.8"
Join Our Sponsors
Looking to make a lasting impact and cultivate the next generation of talent? Partner with us as a sponsor for our vibrant youth theatre program!
By joining our sponsors, you're not just investing in a play, you're investing in the future. Together, let's ignite a passion for the arts and empower the next generation of storytellers!
In Kind Donations
Supporting a cause doesn't always require cash! In-kind donations, like gently used clothing, office supplies, or even expertise, can be just as valuable.
Copyright Vandalia Youth Theatre 2021